Friday, December 2, 2011

What color of contact lenses go good with black hair?

Im gonna get contact lenses soon and im wondering if i should get colored lenses. What would go good with black hair, tan skin. I also want to know what the best brand is?|||Same problem!!

Im thinking of Gray. that would look nice.

I have very dark brown hair and tan skin. and boring old browm thinking of a change..

im also thinking of green....|||Hi Dear,

With your tan skin and black hair any blue color or green color contacts would look great on you. You have to be tested first, to see if you can wear contacts Dear.. After you have the test and eye exam, the doctor with tell you want brand would be best for you.. I have brown eyes and I wear Blue it's called True Sapphire and that is my birth stone too. The brand is Fresh Look that is what my eye doctor told me would be best for me.. Good Luck My Friend.

Your Friend,

poppy1|||Well, do you want like a color that no one has?

Or a normal color such as: browns, blues, and greens??

If you'd like the weird colors, might I suggest red, maybe white. That'd look pretty cool!

If you want the normal colors, I'd go with green. I really think green eyes with darker skin tones are really pretty! My friend has it, so gorgeous!|||i have black hair and tan skin too.

i got dark green contacts from acuevue 2 and everyone thought they were real.

the blue looks kind of fake, my friend has it.

hope this helps!|||Definently a lightcolor. like a blue, green, or gray. Try freshlooks "turqoise." You get your first pair for free.|||go with grayyy!!!

my sister has black hair and is also tan

the gray contacts looked gray and sometimes green it was rad

the best brand i would recomend would be fresh look|||OMG I have no clue on brands, but a bright green would look soooooooo cool!! Well, I know acuave is good but they don't have colored. Also, maybe a really either dark or bright blue!|||Yea grey, hazel or sometimes even blue goes really well. I know a couple Punjabi girls with that and its hot! Green can go as well depending on how tanned you are.|||gray by acuvue by johnson johnson|||Transparent ones (:|||orange, or a violet, or blue-ish.

Sorry, i dont know any brands.|||i think blue would look amazing. also green or a grey-ish color.|||I don't knwo any brands, but I think Violet or Cat Eye contacts would look amazing.|||i dont know the brands but lightish darkish blue lenses would look awesome!|||people with black hair tend to look amazing with green eyes.|||omg were the same . im getting gray or hazel . the best brand is fresh look or acuvae|||Red|||PURPLE!|||RED. lol. blue would be nice :]|||GREEN!!!x)|||i think maybe blue or hazel|||green|||depends on ur i color and how dark

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