Thursday, November 24, 2011

What's the difference between contact transmission and vehicle transmission?

I am currently in a nursing program. I know that contact transmission is having direct contact with an infected host, and vehicle transmission is becoming infected through a source of food, milk, water, etc. My question is if a mother infected with AIDS breastfeeds her baby, what kind of transmission would that be?? Contact or vehicle??|||Theoretically it's only vehicle transmission. This is really a trick question, but what gives it away is that the fetus from the time of conception is fed through the umbilical chord. Many might think it might also be both, but that's a close second. Please think this one through completely as it's really the type of question where you can debate both answers correctly. Good luck and God Bless|||It's neither of these. Transmission from mother-to-child is called 'vertical transmission'. It can include transmission through the placenta (prenatal), during labour (perinatal), or through breastmilk (postnatal).

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