Thursday, November 24, 2011

Should I contact references before writing a query letter?

I want to write a freelance article on a specific topic, and am getting ready to write query letters. I know it's important to give sources of where I would be getting my information and people I can interview. Should I find and contact possible sources prior to writing the query letter so I can give specific names of people, or just generally say "I am planning to interview doctors specializing in...?" Which is better and more effective? I'd love some advice from successful freelance writers, if possible. Thanks!|||Always set up interviews in advance and conduct the interviews. You might not need the interview this time, but the time you put in can be useful later on.

Stating you have interviewed this list of experts on this topic is helpful. It shows you are prepared and serious. It will save the publisher time and effort. Give the name of the person interviewed, their job position and the date of the interview. Some fields change quickly and new breakthroughs can make an old interview useless.

If the publisher shows any interest, ask them if there are any other interviews they want done for the piece. Calculate expenses for the interviews already done and any additional interviews the publisher requires.

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