Friday, December 2, 2011

How would you contact George Lucas to suggest a book for a film?

The series, “Night's Dawn Trilogy” by author Peter Hamilton is wonderful. It would make a superb Sci-Fi movie. How would I contact George Lucas to suggest he read the book and consider it for a film? Lucas is the only person that could put this series on screen.|||New Line already bought the film rights to Night's Dawn, and even if they hadn't, Lucas wouldn't touch it. A company like Lucasfilm doesn't really adapt books, most of their projects are original ideas built on hugely successful franchises like Star Wars of Indiana Jones- besides Lucas working on the dreaded Indie 5 right now- he is really only interested in his own characters and worlds.

Most books have the film rights bought up right after they are published, 90% of them never get made but the studios like to own as many rights as they can in case one day they want to make a film based on a given book.

You'll just have to wait and see what New Line does with it.|||More than likely you cant.

If you do find any email or phone number for him, it will probably be his PA person, and even then it could be a while if Lucas got the message if he does at all since he probably over loaded with fan ideas/mail. That is if he is accepting fan mail.|||You can sent it to lucas vballye ranch in Marin county, but he won;t consider it at all

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