Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Best contact solution and eye drops to use with Biofinity contacts?

If you use Biofinity contacts, what's the best contact solution and eye drops to use?|||The Doctor I work for recommends that his patients who wear Biofinity contacts use the OptiFree Replenish brand. It does a very good job at cleaning the lenses and makes the contacts provide more moisture for your eyes. I personally use that solution and love it. That company also has a reweting drop for your contacts.|||ReNu multi-purpose and refresh plus eye drop. It is the best ones around

How can I contact a psychiatrist or someone in a similar medical profession to help with obsessive thoughts?

I am having many obsessive thoughts. Or rather a single obsessive thought. I have no idea how to overcome my problems and the medical help I have received has been less than helpful. Does anyone know how I can contact a psychiatrist through E mail or any other means to help with my struggle?|||There are many websites you can visit. Just google it and you will find phone numbers and other resources that can help you with that.

If you are thinking about harming yourself or others, you need serious help within the next 24 hours, whether it be talking it out or calling a suicide hotline.|||You can call 211 this is a help referral line that anyone can use.

You can also call the Mental Health Association the number is in the phone book or online.

How do I contact someone about an erroneous charge on my acct?

I have a fraudulent charge on my account from TM Netgames. I need to know who I can contact to have this removed.|||Flip your card over and dial the customer service department on the back of your card.

Ask them the procedures to formally disupute a charge.

BEFORE YOU DO, do you live with teenagers?

If so, tell them about this mystery charge and give them a chance to confess and work off the debt if it is infact theres. I would hate for you to file only to have your child prosecuted (since you might end up having to pay for all those associated expenses)|||You contact your bank.|||The first step is to contact TM Netgames. Ask to speak to the billing department. Explain that you have a charge showing up on your statement that you did not make and ask to have them remove this charge. Be sure to note when you called, who you spoke with, and any extension number. If they refuse to cooperate, contact your credit card issurer or bank and file a fraud report. This will help limit your liability. Also note that there are time frames for doing this.

Who do i contact to report my employer because he is forcing me to work overtime?

My boss just doesnt ask he tells us. I dont mind the OT is he just ask but forcing us to work OT is downright rude. Is this against the law? Who can I contact to report him if it is?|||Unless you work for Union shop and have a contract, in nearly all case, you are out of luck.

Nearly all states in the U.S are "right to work" states and the employer is not violating any labor statutes by telling you that you have to work manditory overtime. In those states, the labor board will back your employer every time.

If you work in a factory/production environment, you may have a case if the manditory overtime is unreasonable and could cause saftey issues...best way to find out would be to look up OSHA standards for your state.

If you have childcare or school obligations and cannot work overtime, you can still be fired but you might be able to still collect unemployment while you are looking for a new job.

In my state recently there was a case where production workers were required to work on a production line for 12 hour shift and no scheduled breaks or lunchs and it was totally legal and all the employer had to do was advise the employee that needed a restroom break that another employee had to cover the few minutes while they were gone or both they and the person they asked to cover them would be reprimanded.

Another was able to fight and get unemployment after 2 mos. after they proved they had a Dr.'s slip that they were only allowed to work under restriction and it was ignored and they finally did get unemployment.

A better solution would be to find another place to work while you are still employed and market how valuable you are to your present employer by consistently being sought out for over time, but that you need or would like a more regular schedule, but would be more than willing to work overtime if given proper (a certain period of time) notice.|||I'm not sure if it is against the law, but you could find out through your states labor board. You have to be careful, some bosses keep track of your willingness to do OT and if you refuse too many times they find excuses to get rid of you. It could be for a number of reasons other than OT.|||FYI, if you live in a state that respects workers' rights, look on your state website, but if you live in a "right to work" or "at will" state, you're fired if you don't like it.|||check with your states dept. of labor...|||check with the labor board. If you don't mind it's ok. But, if you don't want to work the one day of overtime that is your right.|||In most states he has every right to require you to work over time or whatever time he wants,so long as your paid 1 1/2 for all hours over 40 in your regulars work week. up to 12hrs a day standard and 16 in emergencies most places. a 40hr work week isnt law,just that you get overtime for going past it. not working scheduled/required OT is legal grounds for termination. Hes the BOSS teling you what he wants is how its supposed to work,not asking if you want to or not. for what its worth, breaks arent a legal mandate either contrary to popular belief. The labour bureau nor OSHA actually has a requirement for minimum breaks just rules regarding what breaks (if given) your employer must pay you for) and a suggested (not mandated) minimum...If you dont like working the way he wants, feel free to quit or be fired,but dont expect unemployment for leaving either.

Who do i contact to get overflight permission for Germany and Switzerland?

I am having trouble at work. My managing director has a Military Gazelle HT MK2 helicopter but only has a permit to fly in the uk. I need overflight permission for Germany and Switzerland and the CAA told me to contact the authories for both countries. I have scoured the internet to no avail as to go about doing this and all the numbers I rung keep passing me from pillar to post. Any help would be appreciated as this is getting desperate now and i really need to get this done!|||when you file your flight plan the permissions are arranged automatically|||Call the airport - the landing tower has to give permission to fly in the area so they should be able to tell you.|||Sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about!

You state you need to find out permission to fly over Germany and Switzerland!! well to get that far you will also need to file for permission to fly over the following:

Holland, Belgium, and France depending upon your destination

The British Civil Aviation Authority would supply relevant contact details of their counterparts on the continent ( all of which the pilot of the helicopter should know, he will also have to be able to file the relevant proposed flight plans and schedule for refuelling,)

You will also have to land for a customs and immigration check as well.

Your question does not rate a reply in the military section because of your claim its a Military Gazelle HT MK2 either.

Who would I contact to get my daughter tested for dyslexia?

I've recently noticed some things that make me wonder if my daughter might be dyslexic. Not sure what to do or who to contact.

Thank you for your help.|||every school offers free exam. Call her school|||You do this through the school not the doctor, dyslexia is not an illness or disease. Help is given with specialised teaching which helps dyslexic to overcome their difficulties.

Make an appointment with her teacher or principle and ask for the school to arrange for her to be tested. If she is dyslexic the sooner this is done the better.

You could look at these websites which will also give you more of an idea whether she is or not.|||If you want to test for dyslexia you need to see a neurologist. Not an eye doctor (they can do some vision tracking things) not the school (they can do a comprehensive evaluation that included IQ and academic levels and possibilities of Learning Disability but NOT Dyslexia)

That said - the easiest way to start is with the school if there is an academic need - they will do most testing that would be required but dyslexia is a specific diagnosis and schools do not (or should not) diagnose. They can to testing that will pinpoint strengths and weakness, if your child is a visual or auditory learner etc. Most of the adaptations, instruction and support provided students with a learning disability would be useful if she has dyslexia.

Look at this site for resources:

http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/dysle鈥?/a>|||Here the testing goes through the district. So, for example, you could have a 2 year old tested even if he's not in school yet, because of the district boundaries. I would ask the teacher, but the district will have the testing personnel. If there is a great need and or your daughters in a large school there may be a person there in special ed that will do the testing. Otherwise their may be a person who rotates schools each day.

I would first ask the teacher for info. If she doesn't know, or doesn't seem to be on top of making that happen, I would ask the principal or call the school district office and ask them how they do the testing and who needs to refer them, and if you need a dr's note or something.

I would definitely turn to the school first before you spend money you may not need to.|||you can go to your nearest doctors office or an eye doctor who can tell if they really do see differently or its just for right now. I personally went through a period of time where i suffered from slight dyslexia and got problems like putting things backwards but if you just go see a doctor they can tell you. Hope this helps you and good luck, everything is going to be alright.|||ask the school to get her tested, my daughter who's now 27 showed signs of dyslexia in kindergarten i asked the school repeatedly to have her tested. don't give up keep asking and demanding they test her. there are resource classes that can find the answers for her and the school has access to them..finding a good doctor for this is hard..she really needs to be tested threw the school..I cant express this enough we as parents need to demand the schools to listen to us we know our kids the best...If your child isn't school age yet.make her an appointment with a good doctor or go to a clinic if you need to but please don't wait

here are some symptoms for you

Signs of dyslexia in children who are too young for school include:

* Talking later than expected.

* Being slow to learn new words.

* Problems rhyming.

* Problems following directions that have many steps.

After a child begins school, the signs of dyslexia include:

* Problems reading single words, such as a word on a flash card.

* Problems linking letters with sounds.

* Confusing small words, such as "at" and "to."

* Reversing the shapes of written letters such as "d" for "b." For example, the child may write "dat" instead of "bat."

* Writing words backward, such as "tip" for "pit."

good luck .email me if you need any more info|||talk to her teacher and others in the school. if anyone is concerned they will do testing and put her in a program if needed. had my daughter tested for something else and she finally excelled in high school. it takes time to test and get the papers. it's also free|||I am not to sure how old your daughter is but if she is in school, talk to her teacher. If not I would call local school and ask them what they know. Or call a local college or university that specialize in child development.|||A neurologist is the one who does the testing of the brain to determine dyslexic syntomes.

Good luck.|||I'd probably take her to an eye specialist.

Visit this website to see all of the symptoms of Dyslexia- http://www.dyslexia.com/qasymptoms.htm

Hope this helped.|||you use tehphrase 'grade three' so I am guessing you are not in the US where we would say '3rd grade'

Iin teh US-the school has a child study team

but you need a full educational psychologist to five an actaul diagnosis|||depending on how old she is you need to get her in to a doctor no matter what but call your local department of jobs and family services and ask for help|||a doctor dheerrr

Who should we contact regarding condition of our house?

My ex-wife recently rented house in a hurry. Basically she had to move out of the place she was in rapidly. The house she is in now is relatively sub-standard, ants, bad plumbing, slum-lord style. She is refusing to pay rent until the landlord makes some necessary repairs to the house which he refuses to do. I have seen the house and fully agree with her. Who should she/we contact as far as getting the house inspected and written up so he (the landlord) has to make needed repairs.|||Was there a "walk-through" of some type prior to your ex taking possesion of the home? If there wasn't and she's been there for a while you may want to be careful about how you proceede. The landlord may imply or accuse your ex of causing the problems that you are noticing. With her not paying rent he may try (and be succesful) to not only collect back rent but also bills for "repairs" that need to be done.

Certainly a lawyer or tennants rights organization are the places to start.

As far as inspections, building and code inspectors may be a way to go and health dept also (possibly). I don't know how quickly they'll respond, though. While I think everyone should have home inspections prior to taking possesion and every 5 years or so, this may be the one instance that it would do you no good. A home inspector will find functional and safety issues (not code violations in most areas), however as I stated above, your ex-may get stuck with the bill for any work or damage (how does the court know if it was there prior to her moving in?) that is present.

After reading this, I should add that I am not in favor of the conditions you describe. Landlords shoud provide safe housing for their tennants. My point is that this could get ugly in a hurry and you should be prepared for what the landlord may try.|||Start with code enforcement and the health department. Arrange to have both departments do inspections. They will basically do the rest for you as they will cite the owner to make the repairs within a specified period of time. If there are insects, check to see whether your city has either vector control or a department that handles insect infestations. (Code enforcement may also handle that.)

She really legally cannot withhold the rent and faces the real possiblity of being evicted for non-payment. What she can do is notify the landlord in writing of all of the work that needs to be done. Tell the landlord in the letter that she is arranging for inspections, will get estimates to have the work done and will arrange to have the work done if he does not within 30 days and she will deduct the full amount of the repairs and work from her rent. Make sure she takes pictures, too.|||contact the local housing athority. i would not want to pay rent for a place like that my self, but unless she takes some legal action she can get in trouble for not paying rent.|||One of the first things she can do is buy Sevin and sprinkle that around the inside of the house, especially in the kitchen. She should make sure she cleans the kitchen every day to keep crumbs and food cleaned up. She can also buy liquid Sevin and attach it to the hose and spray around the outside of the house so it not only gets rid of ants but other critters, too. I use powdered Sevin in the house because it will last longer than sprays and continue to protect for a couple of weeks. She can then sweep it up and put more down.

Sevin is not dangerous to pets or children, another reason I use it rather than something else.

Take pictures of all the problems or document them in other ways through witnesses r a plumber who can give her a written estimate on what it will cost to repair the problems. She should have two copies of the pictures made and make sure she keeps a copy for herself and one for court if it goes that far.

As far as not paying the rent, she is only going to get herself in trouble by withholding that so I don't advise it but she should make sure she gets a receipt for everything she gives the landlord.

She needs to contact the Tenant's Union in her area. They can help renters who have to deal with slumlords and may well be able to help her get out of there and into a better place.

How do you contact the webmaster of a site to get a picture you made taken off of Google Images?

In other words, how do you contact the webmaster of the site you put your picture on? I tried removing it by requesting a removal by Google but they denied it and said that I have to talk to the webmaster of the site I put the picture on. How do I do that?|||go to the website and find the link to contact them or their webmaster

How do I contact a Facebook official to complain about being hacked from their site?

Many of my Facebook friends, who get into the games and apps, end up with their email addresses hacked and all their friends are getting spam and viruses through the email. I want to contact Facebook and insist that they make their site more secure and private.|||The site is as secure as it can be. It is up to us to be vigilant, educate ourselves and not click on every random link that comes your way. Most viruses are gotten by clicking on links.

Besides, getting into direct contact with a Facebook official is next to impossible.|||you Can Contact facebook at the Help Center on facebook by clicking help at the bottom of the page|||Hi,

you contact a facebook official to complain by going on help center of facebook.

How do you contact the manager of celebrities?

My 16 birthday is coming up and i really want a celebrity there to perform. Example, the jonas brothers. I've seen how people get celebrities to their sweet 16 and i really want one too. How do i even contact the manager's of celebrities? Thanks.|||The Jonas Brothers are represented by Creative Artists Agency (CAA).

However, they are unlikely to perform at a private birthday party unless you are able to pay them a LOT of money for their time.|||it would cost alot of thousands of dollars you know.so wont happen unless your rich.|||umm...getting people as famous as the jonas brothers to just WALK into your party would be extremely hard, if not impossible. if it is possible, then you better have a few thousand dollars up your sleeve.

How do I contact philanthropists for help?

My dad has been a minister and business man for several decades. He has built several schools, churches, and organizations designed to help the village people in one of the less fortunate towns in Ghana, Africa. I'm not here to brag about my father's accomplishments. I just wanted to give the story first before saying that a recent storm of catastrophic proportions has destroyed much of what they have built over the years and I would like to know if anyone has any ideas on how to get in contact with some of the philanthropist helpers out there who may be able to lend us a hand. Thanks.|||Call local or state wide newspapers, television stations, talk show hosts, etc. The best way to find help is to get your story out to the public. The public usually will respond well.

I wish you the best.


What authority to contact to turn in a Dr / parents who did not get appropriate treatment for minor w/ cancer?

A young boy who has Ewing's sarcoma who did not receive chemo. I believe the Dr's and parents are both guilty of withholding appropriate treatment. What authority could I contact to have this investigated?|||Department of Health.|||go to your state senator,governor or your state medical board.|||Contact child protective services.|||why are you in a position to determine 'APPROPRIATE" treatment? Are you a Dr yourself, or a parent to this child?

In most cases, medical treatment is a decision between the parent and Dr. That is part of parental rights. The only authority who has any other rights is child protective services, and that might not go far.

What are the disadvantages of wearing contact lenses?

People keep telling me it's going to be hard handling contacts because according to them; taking care of them would easily piss me off. What do you think about it; do you think that there's any disadvantage to wearing contact lenses?|||i'm just doing a one week of wearing contacts myself... see if you can get this, you'll go to the opticians, they explain it and check your eyes are okay, you'll get a free weeks worth, and then you go back at the end to see whether you've got on with them etc. You might as well try it!

I've been wearing them 3 days now... taking them out by now is pretty easy.... hard to explain exactly what to do though. still finding putting them in hard but its only been three days!

I've got daily disposable ones (which i think they might give you for a trial anyway??? which allays some of the hygeine fears, and means you don't have to wash them, but they are expensive: about 拢20 a month.

You can also get monthly ones that are cheaper but you have to clean them in solution and stuff. The risk otherwise is getting bacteria or irritant on the lense and then sticking it on your eye. Despite obviously the fear of damaging vision looking into it i've found in the vast majority the people with serious problems have been pretty stupid... leaving them in for months, or being really hygeinic.

and remember to take them out when sleeping! I was told that with the ones i've got they can stick to the eye because you don't blink when you sleep. Also if you leave them in too long the eye doesn't get enough oxygen and so blood vessels start to grow into your vision.

apparently there are also continuous wear ones which let oxygen in... don't know much about these though|||Ive worn contacts for 5 years now, and I love them.

Um, the only disadvantages i can think of wearing them are that they can become uncomfortable if you wear them for too long, or if you rub your eye they can break.

Other than that, I havent found any fault in them. I personally do not like glasses (though i do have a pair too). They are easy to put in, and take out. I think its worth it. But if you have questions i would talk to your eye doctor.

I would only not recomend contacts if you have a fear of touching your eyes, as you need to do this to put them in. :]]

good luck!|||I love my contacts because I can wear sunglasses with them! Which I can't do with my glasses lol

I hate them on the other hand because if I'm in bed and snoozing, I have to get up and take them off.

Plus you have to clean them and store them over night.

I am going back to the longwear kind. You can keep those in for 30 days at a time without ever removing them.

They can get costly, that can be a disadvantage also|||well, im totally fine with the cleaning part..

it's just that you cant wear them when your eye is irritated

and your eye is more prone to getting infected (pink eye, etc)

BUT if you take good care of them and clean them well, and dont rub your fingers to your eyes

it'll all be good|||Yes I have been wearing contacts for 3 years and the biggest disadvantage is that towards the end of the day your eyes get really dry and it becomes difficult to see.|||not really any disadvantages.. but mine burn like hellz D: Most peoples dont though. Its just the brand or something.. and remebering to take them out before you go to sleep or normally when you swim.. or putting them on in a hurry... it kinda sucks d:|||they're not really hard to take care of.

just have to rinse them and take them out so they can soak for up to six hours.

sometimes they can be hard to get in but, after a few weeks it gets easy.|||for an active sports person they are annoying due to dirt and sweat. at night removal and seeing in the dark without them. tried them and did not like them. if you lead a quite, sedate life O K.|||It's hard to get started putting contacts in but after awhile it gets easy! Disadvantages are if your tired they get try and hurt!|||advantage: you can see better without glasses.

they arent that hard to take care of.|||the awful eye infection that makes a one eyed woman cry.|||remembering 2 take them off is the hardest thing 4 me.|||THEY CAN BE IRRITATING AND THEY COST LIKE 30 DOLLARS A MONTH|||THEY COST TOO MUCH

FOR ME ITS $42 a BOX!|||i have daily disposables, and for me there are none (:

Who would i contact to start a home based porn video bussiness over the internet?

My wife and i would like to sell our love making over the internet. Who would i contact in order to set that up and are there any expenses?|||Check with the local police about getting a license for that one.|||Post them on youtube or sell them on ebay|||Why not check with the list of sex offenders in your state. They list all of their names and addresses right there for you. They will tell you the type of crime they have committed and you'll be able to find the ones who are in this. I'm sure they'll have alot to say about what it's like to go to prison and suffer - you pervert.|||Check out You Porn and please tell me the name of the video so i can make sure i buy a copy, word!!|||surf the net.|||hahahahaha:)

How can someone be put in contact with manufacturers and/or factory representatives in China?

I've explored many many websites from Chinese manufacturers, but they are either difficult to navigate, hard to understand, or have no contact info. How does one go about contacting these manufacturers? SpecificaIly, I need porcelain and glass products manufacturers.|||You need a U.S.-based sourcing company. We find the the right factory and the right product at the right price. We handle the quality inspection, production control, financing, logistics, customs clearance and financing. If you buy direct you incur added and unnecessary risk (you have to pay the Chinese supplier 100% in advance before they will release the shipment). By buying through us you pay a U.S. company a deposit and get 30 days credit on the balance. And, since sourcing and importing from China is our business, we can do it quickly and efficiently. We have inspectors and project managers in China to be your eyes and ears on the ground and make sure the supplier is giving you what you're paying them for. I lived in China for 10 years and speak fluent Mandarin. My company has relationships with porcelain and glass products manufacturers. We can get started right away. Working with us is transparent - you know the FOB China price and the supplier. We charge a management fee on the delivered cost of goods. Give me a call to discuss it further: 212-847-7175. Visit our web site: www.ChinatownSourcing.com. Thanks, Hank|||I agree with the answer given by Hank. A USA based company can effectively cut down your cost and you can prevent 100% advance payment as well as surplus costs. I would suggest similar USA based website www.mrpusa.com which holds a large database of representatives for almost every industry type.

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How can I contact Apple about ideas for the new firmware for ipod touch?

I want to submit a request to Apple for the next ipod touch firmware. I want to be able to change the homescreen without jailbreaking.

I am a fan of jailbreaking, but unfortunately I don't think you can jailbreak the ipod touch 2nd generation.

I have tried QuickPwn, but when i use it when it gets to the "Choose your firmware" part i choose it, but the blue arrow stays inactive and grey.

Any suggestions on either jailbreaking it or how to contact apple?|||You can鈥檛 jailbreak the 2Gen just yet. Stop trying, wait, and hope.

You can contact Apple, Inc. all you like. They have a Contact us page http://www.apple.com/contact/, but I doubt that Steve Jobs and fellow engineers will listen to your humble opinion (I鈥檝e tried to contact them. They replied with a form letter.)

On the other hand, the jailbreak should be coming soon. Team Chronic is working on it as you read this. Hopefully, it will be here before too long.

Hope that Helped!

Who can I contact for free legal advice in Massachusetts regarding a mentally ill relative?

I am looking for pro-bono legal advice to let me know what my options are with a mentally ill relative who has stopped taking her medication and who, I believe is a danger to herself. Any suggestions on who I could contact? Thank you so much for your help.|||also go to NAMI.org and find a local chapter, that organization is primarily for relatives and friends of those with mental illnesses. Also, you can call social services for your county and find a mental health social worker. In my state, MN, I am legally entitled to a social worker, and my case manager also handled commitments occasionally. It was a bone of contention of us sometimes, because there are people who are committed improperly, ***and the consequences are about the same as a felony conviction. It will be on your record forever, you will lose some rights forever, the police will know about you forever, and you don't get the same legal protections that a criminal does****

Your relative may never speak to you again. You should try to talk her into treatment first, the next step would be a 72 hour hold, which does not require any legal action. I hope everything goes OK, but it would be better to get her to go back to the doc. Maybe her pills are making her fat or sick to the stomach or stupid, these pills are REALLY noxious. I hate taking them, because I get all of the above, and I feel I am taking them to make everyone else happy, because I am in hell whether I take them or not (still have the internal anguish, unabated). Sooooooo maybe she can be reasoned with. Some people with mental illness can't tell they are getting bad, tho, that's why the other options are still there, nowadays. Good luck to you, I know a lot of mentally ill people because I help run a social club for people with bipolar and schizophrenia, and most of them would be very upset about a commitment. Your relative will not thank you, but pursuing a commitment may be a moral obligation for you, given the circumstances.

Good luck to you and your relative!|||Maybe these people can help you with your problem. Maybe they can refer you to somewhere else.

"Greater Boston Legal Services" has free clinics on certain days. Their address is:

197 Friend St.

Boston, MA It is near Haymarket Station on the MBTA

Phone: 617 371-1234|||Go here...


And click on Massachusetts.|||Free in the USA, Ha Ha Ha. Wrong cuntery try Britten|||Websites like FindLaw, LawGuru are some of the free legal advice resources available. More information at http://www.uelp.org/freelegal.html

How long after contact does it take for poison ivy rash to appear?

I have never in 54 yrs had poison ivy. Two weeks ago I was in contact with it and am now just getting symptoms, is that possible?|||As a rule, the rash of poison ivy will show up anywhere from two to ten days after exposure, depending upon both how allergic you are to the plant oil, and how much oil got onto your skin. If you got only a small amount of oil on you, and you are not highly allergic to it, two weeks would be an outside time limit for the rash to appear.

Who do i contact in Ohio to file a complaint against an employer?

I want to file a formal complaint in Ohio against my previous employer. This complaint does NOT involve discrimination. I would greatly appreciate if someone could tell me who to contact. Thankyou in advance for any help.|||I usually complain to my bartender. If you are asking if there is some government agency that is interested in your type of complaint, you should mention the nature of the complaint.|||State dept of labor usually, unless its a federal crime, or if your employer was a hospital, then you contact the dept of health perhaps

What kind of contact is appropriate with your girlfriend when around your girlfriends family?

I mean like how much contact would be appropriate when going on vacation with your girlfriends family for a week? You and your girlfriend are legal adults but whenever visiting your girlfriend at home you get dirty looks from her father and older brother if you just kiss her on her cheek. Do you think that things like holding hands,hugging,etc would be okay or would you not even try it?|||It would depends on her age. if she is over 18. Also how long you have been together and if you mer the family before could factor into it. then hugging hand holding quick peck on the cheek is all fine. but you might also want to talk to her about this. Some people feel most comfortable alone then around friends or family with pda. personally i prefer pda behind clothes doors.|||You have no right to do any of that in their presence. This is their daughter/sibling. BTW, are you so insecure in your relationship that you need to be touching her all the time?|||Speaking from experience, me and my girlfriend got naked on the dinner table and had sex in front of everyone. Sure, we wound up on Springer a few months later, but now I'm paying child support. Wait a second, that didn't turn out so well.|||just stick to holding hands im a mother of 3 and if my daughter had her bf over i would feel unconfortable if they was sat kissing|||I just wouldn't do it my man. Her father and brother are there and they don't want to see that stuff.

How to improve my ballstriking and contact?

What are some drills to improve my contact and ball-striking. It has been very inconsistent. I am hitting a lot of fat and thin shots. I am also picking up my head up a lot, or it feels like that. What are some drills, tips or swing thought to improve my contact?|||Couple things you could try

Put a tee in the ground put the ball by the tee middle or forward of the tee. Hit some with your short and middle iron. All your divots should be forward of the tee.

Next watch if you are swaying on your swing

Lastly are you casting or whipping your wrists.

You said you lift your head, that could cause inconsistent contact|||Learning how to strike the golf ball well is a difficult challenge and most amateurs struggle with poor consistency in their ball striking. Before you try to learn how to hit the driver well you need to first learn how to hit the wedge and shorter clubs straight. Keep in mind that the driver is simply an extension of the shorter golf swings so if you have trouble hitting a wedge straight then you will more than likely also struggle with the driver and long irons.

Proper swing mechanics are important and the first step is learning the proper way to grip a golf club. Many amateur players use a baseball grip when they first try to learn the game however this grip may not be the ideal way to hold the club. The interlocking grip is probably the best way for most players to grip the club as it promotes maximum club head speed and distance. Most of the top professional golfers use this grip so it clearly works.

The interlocking grip is simple to perform, just let the small finger of the right hand overlap the index finger of the left hand (right handed players). Grip pressure is also important and most players tend to grip the club too tightly so make sure that you are using a fairly light grip pressure about 25 鈥?30% of your maximum grip pressure. If you are in deep rough then you may want to increase your grip pressure to 90% to ensure that the club head does not get caught up in the rough and send the ball left.

Improving your mental game can also promote greater consistency and better ball striking. Developing a solid mental routine is the foundation of consistently good play and low scoring. The ideal way to think before your strike the golf may be to simply quiet the mind and focus on the target and let your brain and body make the swing automatically without thinking about swing mechanics consciously.

Thinking too much before a golf shot can really ruin your golf swing and cause many mechanical errors. It can also adversely affect your putting and short game skill too. It is important to trust your shots regardless of how poorly you hit your previous shot. Even the best players in the world hit poor shots in every round however they still score well because they forget their misses and believe in the next shot.|||1. Hands forward upon impact. As you strike the golf ball, the grip end of the club needs to be leading the hands and club head through the hitting area (a mandatory ingredient for hitting solid iron shots).

2. Correct posture, achieving solid contact is having correct posture throughout the swing.

3. The final ingredient in the search for solid ball striking is controlling the clubface through impact.

As the drills, you can use the Golf ball drill, Posture drill and Release the clubface drill to practice them.|||The drill is just to practice. Just keep swinging and work on hitting the ball solid. Keep your head down until way past impact--that's a good way to practice keeping your head down.|||Just keep your eye on the ball and don't look up until you are done with the swing and just let your golf partner(s) watch it for you. Good Luck!

How should I contact someone for letters of recommendation?

I want to contact someone for a letter of recommendation. I don't see her anymore, I haven't seen her since august, but she said if I ever needed a letter, to ask her. Should I call her or email her? And when I do, how should I phrase? I want to be as nice as possible about this, because I may need to get two from for these two places I want to go to and are asking for these letters.|||Either calling or emailing would be acceptable. Assuming the person you want to ask is someone you have a strictly professional relationship with, if you email, you could say something like this:

Dear Whatever Her Name Is,

I'm going to be applying for graduate school (or whatever you need the letter for) soon and was wondering if you would still be able to write a letter of recommendation for me. I would so appreciate it if you could and it would mean a lot to me.

If you're able to write a letter, please send it to _______________________

Thank you so much for your help.


Your Name.

If you and the person have a more friendly relationship, you can add in some "Hey, how ya been" stuff, but I'm assuming this person is a professor or something.

How can i contact Stephenie Meyers/her publisher to ask permission to use the charterers/plot?

I im going to attempt to make twilight into a good story without sparkly "gay" vampires and real werewolves so i want to try and ask permission to use the charterers/plot in my book i realize i cant contact her directly but what about her publisher.|||Aef,

I doubt you will get permission from either the author or the publisher. Meyer's books and character's are all copyrighted. Wanting to write the book over again because you don't like her take on vampires and werewolves (I don't either), will more than likely be shot down.

Why not write your own story using your own character's? Ideas can't be copyrighted.

This is a paragraph from the US Copyright Dot Gov site:

What does copyright protect?

Copyright, a form of intellectual property law, protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, although it may protect the way these things are expressed. See Circular 1, Copyright Basics, section "What Works Are Protected."

Good luck!

PJ M|||You can contact her fan mail address -

Stephenie Meyer

c/o Author Mail

Little, Brown and Company

237 Park Avenue

New York, NY 10017

Contact details of Little Brown And Company head office - this is for the UK.

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7911 8000

Facsimile: +44 (0)20 7911 8100

Email: info@littlebrown.co.uk


You need permission if you are to parody the work. Although many argue that a parodied work is fair use, I have never heard of a parody author winning a case in the Court Of Law against the original author - as I own many parody books such as The Deatrix Derided, The Soddit, Barry Trotter and the shameless Parody etc.

Copyright law prohibits substantial use of copyrighted work without permission of the copyright owner. Which in this case is Stephanie Meyer herself and Little Brown And Company. If the work in question is aimed for commercial profit, then it is sueable under Federal and British laws. You then have to take into consideration the purpose of character use, amount and substantiality of the portion ssed of the copyrighted work, effects upon potential markets or value of the copyrighted work, etc.

If you want to write a parodied work however, not only contact Little Brown And Company to gain permission if you can, but also contact an attorney for legal advice.|||I don't think she'll let you to be honest, since all things used in Stephenie Meyers books are copyrighted including the characters and plot, that's why fanfiction cannot be published.

You can however write a parody of it, I'm not sure how you'll go about getting this published though.|||They are not going to give you permission to rewrite her series for personal profit. I'm not a fan of the woman, but I wouldn't resort to theft of her intellectual property because I'm too uncreative to create my own original series.|||If you make it a parody it should be fine. Change the names to something silly but very close.

p.s. there already is a parody. it's called Nightlight|||If you market it as a parody, you are within your rights.

What is the difference of monthly contacts lenses and continuous wear contact lenses?

I am on a trial for monthly day contact lenses at the moment, but the optician has told me to only use them at a max of 12hrs per day because the eyes need oxygen. So if I want to use continuous wear ones, wouldn't them be bad for your eyes?|||Different materials of the lenses.

Some lenses are designed for continuous wear, some aren't.

Stick with the lenses you remove and clean every night, they are much healthier in the long run.|||if you r looking for cheap and good lenses i have a site who has all the brands http://www.todayslens.ca

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|||continous wear lenses are better for the eyes as more oxygen is allowed to be into the eyes when compared to the old lenses. highly recommended to get them.

Who can I contact in San Diego California to find out who the owner is of a certain residential home?

I have been looking at this house for the past 3 months. This house is clearly not occupied. The grass is overly grown, fence falling down and the weeds are so long you wouldn't be able to get into the front door. I would like to know who do I contact to find out who the owner of this property is. I would like to purchase it if I can but I need to know some information first. Thank you in advance for your answers!|||Check the county website that the property is in. It is public record|||The county http://arcc.co.san-diego.ca.us/

If back taxes are owed maybe you could buy it for back taxes. But you may have to wait a few years to get title.

How do i contact my family in Chile after the earthquake?

On TVN there letting people send messages to family members on the bottom of the screen. I know all telephone lines are down and this is the only way i can contact them. How do i do this? Please, i know someone out there knows how to. Thanks.|||Try sending it to their website.There's probably a 'contact us' page.

http://www.tvn.cl/|||Hi mate, you should be able to send them a letter (If the postal services are running)

~Alan P.S: I wish your family in Chile best of luck.|||I would call the American Embassy.|||just a guess: 1 800 HAARP|||I guess the Chilean Embassy is pretty snowed under just now.

The Red Cross are excellent and would have bulletin boards up and running.

Find out the epicentre and send e mails to friends out side the area they may have local phone contact; land lines are possibly down, cell phone mobiles may be working.

In other words you need to network from the most unaffected areas.

Certainly check as many Web Sites as said before.

I wish You and Them Luck, and God's help.|||BTW MSNBC says death toll is now about 254...

Plz help the survivors of the chile earthquake and Hawaii tsunami.

Visit here and make a difference :)

http://hawaiitsunami.tk/|||I am chilean.

Try to contact by Internet.

Telephones are almost out of order

Who do I contact to sell a house in pieces?

I own a residential lot with a house on it that is in serious disrepair. The property is next door to my home and I bought it to eventually tear it down and enlarge our yard. Before we tear it down though I would like to find someone who will sell the old furniture, fixtures, even the old furnance in the house. I'll sell everything down to the windows, doors, wood, faucets anything.

Are there any businesses that do this? What are they called and how do I contact them?|||Try to find a auctioneer to sell the items|||Better yet - why not donate all of these items to Habitat for Humanity? You get a receipt to use as a tax write-off (charitable donation) and you help those who are less fortunate.|||Wreckers may take these items but they'll probably want to be paid to take them away.

The Muse|||There are people who buy salvageable older fixtures and a preminum,just do some research and you will be ok,also keep in mind that if you demo the house,depending on the age you may have lead paint and asbestos issues.

How do I contact scholastic to publish a book through them?

I want to publish my book through them, whats a good email or number to use to contact them?|||Most publishers do not accept submissions from writers. They accept submissions from literary agents. The usual procedure for a writer is to send query letters to agents who represent books similar to the one they've written. Literary agents receive thousands of such letters a year. Only those projects that greatly appeal to the individual agent will earn representation. It is then the decision of the agent (in consultation with the writer when appropriate) as to where to submit the manuscript. The agent will try to find an editor and publishing house that will share their enthusiasm for the book. With luck, the book will then sell to the publishing house and be published.

Who can I contact to get a fake facebook profile of my sister deleted?

I can't get a contact number. Someone made a fake and crude facebook profile of my sister and we're trying to get it deleted from the website.

Is there a complaints office?|||You need to contact facebook


or click on help at bottom of page. You will probably have to have an account to sign in, I am not sure though. Good luck!|||Just go to the nearest Police station and press chargers :)

How should I contact a local business when selling online ad space?

I currently own a website that caters to people locally and I was thinking about selling ad space on my website to local businesses. What do you think is the best way for me to contact a local business with my proposal? Should I call them up, send them a sales letter through the mail, or email them if they have a website? I was thinking about just emailing them since they probably get solicited all the time. What do you think?|||You can try sending a letter and then following up with the a phone call. Emailing to businesses is tricky because of the spam blockers they have in place...I even have trouble getting emails from my clients and have to keep lossening the parameters. But if you call unsolicited you'll probably get lost in voicemail-land. Best to start with postal and follow up with "did you receive the letter I sent you".|||you could mention it to all your friends on facebook or my space and ask them if they will network it for you to all there friend.

or, run an ad in your local newspaper|||I think you are doing write way to market your website and market others website or company by sending e-mail but there is another way to do that to send SMS on there cell phone or post mail, but doing this u may need legal help. Please contact lawyer to help you out.

Who do I contact to question a garnishment in reference to state tax warrants in my name?

My pay from the job has been gernished and I need to know who to contact to resolve this or question and fight it. Its a garnishment due to tax warrants. Also it has to be from the state of indiana.|||Indiana Department of Revenue. I have attached a link to the dept.|||TFBA

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|||Your employer can tell you who the money is going to. That's who you need to contact. Most likely the Indiana DOR.

How can I contact a producer or film company with a business idea?

I have a serivce for the film industry but I don't know how to connect with a producer. How can I get an email or contact information?|||You have to cold call people until someone will meet with you. Get an attorney though and have anyone you talk to sign a waiver - if it's a good idea, it will be stolen if you don't protect yourself.

There are directories for the industry - purchase one or go online. LA411 and NY411 are popular.|||It depends on what you mean by "a service for the film industry". Depends on what kind of service you have in mind. Most film companies and producers are not going to deal with you unless and until you have a business address and a name. If you are just starting up, they are not going to invest in any business without a track record, unless you have some product or technology for which they have an immediate need.

Film companies are producing films or TV shows--not any other thing. If you have a business idea, then that is going to require someone with enough support and money, you should become knowledgeable about VC's (venture capitalists), to invest in start-up businesses. You need to have a business plan, and some real expertise in presenting these ideas to others (after perfecting and protecting them legally.)

Show business and its film branches are big business. BUt there are a lot of sharks out there. Beware. and...Good luck.

How could I wear a color contact lens without my eyes red and a headache?

I love wearing color contact lens (freshlooks), but my eyes get really red and irritated, sometimes with headache. Even if I start out using new contact lens I kept everything clean, I still got the same problem. |||Red eyes can be caused from a number of things. Over wearing your lenses, old/dirty lenses, improper fit, sensitivity to solutions, etc... Are you having any other problems associated with the redness? Pain? The feeling of something in your eye? Sensitivity to light? Itchiness? Burning? The only way to diagnose exactly what's going on is to see your eye doctor. Good luck! |||Try other brand just like geo contact lens....check this out...

FACEBOOK EMAIL ADD: peerlessonlineshop@rocketmail.鈥?br>

FAN PAGE: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Peerless-Online-Shop/133841053318739

MULTIPLY: http://peerlessonlineshop.multiply.com/

i also have problem when i was still using freshlook.

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|||It could just be you. You might be allergic to the cleaning solution you are using, or the brand might be doing something. They shouldn't be getting irritated, but my best bet is that you have an allergic reaction. Talk to your optometrist.|||Could be the brand.

How long do you keep eye contact when others talk or you talk?

For some reason I cant always keep eye contact for the whole time just feels weird, but it makes me look like I am not listening. When teacher explains something for some reason I try to keep eye contact but cant because it feels weird. Is it normal? I always have an allergy which includes my eyes, but im taking eyedrops for it.|||Well if I am in a conversation with someone, I maintain eye contact. I don't usually maintain eye contact with a teacher, because I am usually taking notes. I would certainly pay attention to the teacher, but not necessarily maintain eye contact. I would hold the eye contact as much as possible, but if things are bothering you, I would think it would be acceptable to look away. Good luck with your allergies, I know how that feels.|||Nobody but you has eye contact with the teacher. That is why the teacher stares at you. And you want to look away in order to keep the teacher from embarrassing himself when he realizes that you are the only person listening. That or you are faking that you are listening and you don't want to get caught with a lie in your eyes.

Everybody has allergies, stop making excuses.

How do I contact Rihanna to speak at a charity benefit for Domestic Violence?

I am trying to host a charity benefit for Domestic Violence with The Break The Cycle Organization. It would be the icing on the cake if I could get Rihanna to come and speak about her experiences. How can I contact her?|||I doubt that at this time Rihanna would be interested in doing something of the sort. It seems like shes still dealing with whats happening to her and I think everyone should just leave the girl to think.|||If she'd not talking about it publicly then she most likely won't want to talk at a charity event where there will most likely be cameras taping everything she says.

I bet this is quite imberassing for her.|||this is a very bad idea. rhianna is perpetuating the cycle of abuse and is a horrible role model.|||but she's not breaking the cycle. shes back with chris brown. but if you want you can go on our fan website and im sure they have an email address where you can talk to her manager.|||Being that she went back to the creep she is not breaking the cycle at ALL.|||I read they are not back together, it was a rumor. IDK

Anyway, i have no idea, maybe call her agent or send an email.

How can I contact pro athlete to come to my school to a community service event?

I want to plan a community service event for my school, the project would later be used as a DECA state conference project. I'm in CT, so I would like to contact the Red Sox or the Patriots, or another team close by, so that a few players would come.

How would I do that?

What would make them want to come for the event?

Do any of you have any connections?

Thanks.|||Here goes the contact information for both teams




http://www.patriots.com/community/index.鈥?/a>|||Call up their corporate office and tell them what you have in mind. They'll likely ask you to write a proposal, together with dates and details.

They'll let you know. The pros all have community outreach that they do, and most are very happy to do it.

How should I contact someone for letters of recommendation?

I want to contact someone for a letter of recommendation. I don't see her anymore, I haven't seen her since august, but she said if I ever needed a letter, to ask her. Should I call her or email her? And when I do, how should I phrase? I want to be as nice as possible about this, because I may need to get two from for these two places I want to go to and are asking for these letters.|||A personal contact is best so call her./

How do I tell if contact lenses are too tight?

I have this irritating pain after several hours of wearing contact lenses.

But I'm not sure If it is because of my contact lenses being to tight or I didn't handle it right or whatever.

What should your eye look like when wearing normal soft contact lenses?

Should the contacts cover the corneA by how many millimeters?

My contacts cover the cornea by about 1 or 2 millimeters. Is that normal?|||Hi Bubby, I don't know what is normal or not but I was given prescription contacts by the optician she checked them saying all was well but I found my peripheral vision blurry. I went back she said the same again, I got a second opinion and was told that they were far too small for my eyes! Not all opticians are equal, and not all lenses are the same size, nor eyes for that matter! So go back and tell them of your problem. Hopefully they'll find the right ones for you, hope this helps x|||It may be the brand you are using. Try a new brand. I prefer accuve|||you shouldn't wear contacts anymore if they're painful. Are these prescription contacts? You should only wear contacts if an eye doctor says you can.

How do i contact yahoo us customer service to reset my password?

I tried recover my password for my other account but it didn't work because of the phone number on that account i don't remember. So i need to contact yahoo US customer service to reset my password?|||Do Yahoo Chat or send an Email.|||my new password

How often should you change your contact lens storage solution?

I wear contact lenses and I use the 14 day ones. I usually wear my contacts 3-4 times a week. When not used they are stored in it's case soaked with the multi-purpose solution. But how often must I change the solution?|||you're suppose to change your contacts solution everytime you take them out. Also, you might want to let ur case dry and stuff cause i've read that bacteria can get on it since its wet. Your supoose to change your contacts case every 3 or 4 months so yea. Also, b4 you put your conacts on you might want to rinse your contacts with the solution too. Better safe then sry =]

Hope this helps =]|||My husband wears contacts and he said to change the solution every time you take your contacts out of your eyes.The solution keeps them sterile so that you will not get an eye infection.Try to not touch the clean solution until you put your contacts back in.|||You should change it everytime you wear them. It keeps them clean.

How do you contact a company to get a quarterly or annual report?

I'm doing a project for my economics class in which we invest 5,000 dollars in three companies. I chose AT%26amp;T, Target, and Bank of America. I have to contact one of these companies to get a report and I can't seem to find a number to call. The customer service numbers deal with the company's products and not the stock. What number can I call to get a report?|||All publicly traded companies file their annual and quarterly reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission and they can be found online at the sec.gov website, dating back many years. A form 10Q is a quarterly, 10K is annual.

Also, if you go to their websites and look for "corporate" or "about us" and "investor relations" you can often find links to the "glossies" (in PDF) that they produce for their shareholders.

In addition the the status reports, you can also find Form 4 (e.g., for Target) which is used for reporting "change of ownership of securities", i.e., when all of their executives are disposing of large amounts of shares.|||If you are doing project then you need form 10-K for those companies. Yes usually annual report and 10-K are used interchangeably. Some companies use 10-K in lieu of annual report. The major distinction is annual report is free format, i.e. company can choose what to write. Whereas 10-K mandatory form to be filed with SEC, and it is mandatory. Quarterly form is 10-Q, it's less comprehensive and unaudited. You should try investor relations section of the web page of the respective companies and download it directly from there. Since you asked the phone numbers, they are below:

ATT 1-800-351-7221

Bank of America 704-386-5681

Target (800) 794-9871

Bank of America Link


ATT Link


Target Link


How to choose contact lenses and where do i get them?

Where can i get good contact lenses (which company makes the best ones)? Should I go to my eye doctor or to a eye glass company like Eyemart or Walmart Eye-something?|||Go to an eye doctor, not a Wal-Mart or Pearl or Lenscrafters. I once had an eye doctor tell me that a lot of places like Lenscrafters write prescriptions for your eyes that are less than you need. So, of course, in no time, it feels like you can't see and you have to go back to Lenscrafters, earlier than you needed.

Your eye doctor will do an exam, measure your eyes, and decide on what contact lenses are best for you. Then, you go back to the doctor and try on several pairs.|||if you r looking for cheap and good lenses i have a site who has all the brands http://www.todayslens.ca

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|||If you have your Rx




Buy Lenses online,

Save Money and Time!

(Softens) Bausch %26amp; Lomb, (Accuvue) Johnson %26amp; Johnson, Freshlook, Ciba Vision

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|||You have to go to the eye doctor before you can get contacts. I got to Walmart to get my contact exam, and then i go to a regular eye doctor for the other stuff. But i love Acuvue 2. They have worked best for my eyes. But the doctor will tell you which brand will be best for your eyes.|||well if you need a prescription contact lens you will have to go to an eye doctor to get them since you will need a prescription. and i would go with the acuve products/ the disposable ones, because most year ones dont last that long and if you lose one you have replacements.|||you have to go to an eye doctor to get the contact lenses. they will give you an exam then you and the doctor can decide which you can wear.|||You need to go to your eye doctor. Your eyes have to be examined and then measured for contact lenses.|||talk to your optician. Shop around. I went to Walmart and they recommended the wrong lenses. It turns out I have an astigmatism that they did not tell me about. Talk to your eye doctor to ensure that you are ok for contacts before you do anything.|||You have to get a contact lense exam or they will not give them to you. They will also give you what you need there is nothing to worry about. I have worn contacts for 15 years it's cake.|||well you can't buy contacts without going to a doctor, so thats your first step, Acuvue is the brand I wear, their good|||i wear acuvue advance, yes they do have colours if thats what you're looking for... and... umm i go to walmart vision centre.. but anywhere will have them.. go to the optometrists.. and they will work withyou to find the right lens

What is the best way to contact the news media with a story?

I believe I have a story that could land national newspaper coverage,if the right people are contacted. I don't want to start by having the story go to the local media...Is that how it normally works?Does the local media have to pick it up first, then if it's interesting a bigger newspaper picks it up?Is there a way to contact a bigger newspaper from the start AND actually get a response?|||it depends on what your story is about. give us a hint that does not compromise your "exclusive"|||If they Jewish media doesn't like it, it will never see the light of day. You may as well start with the ADL. Ask their advice.|||Phone or mail them with an outline and give them your number. They will very soon contact you if the story is newsworthy.|||911 ?

What effects did contact with Western civilization have on the cultures of India, China, and Japan?

What effects did contact with Western civilization have on the cultures of India, China, and Japan? In each case, how did the effects differ?|||I've studied this a bit, focusing mostly on China, but there are great similarities with China and India, and Japan had a dramatic and focused time of learning from the West in order to surpass the West, culminating in the Second World War.

But I'll give you two glimpses into this huge topic you've opened. It can't be answered simply so I'll give you a simple example from 10 years experience in China and a book that I have read that would give you great insight to the reasons China resists change asserted from the West (whether intentionally or unintentionally).


Chinese people in general are in awe of the West, especially the USA, but that awe is waning with China's growth and projected surpassing in various categories. But this awe has stimulated a long-term interest in the things of the US and other Western countries, such as English, Movies, Basketball, Military, and Government.

I'll choose the more neutral category of movies as my example of how Chinese people are impacted because movie popularity soars in its impact through entertainment.

Hollywood impacts the whole world, and through Hollywood many things are portrayed: violence, morals (or lack there of), and an insatiable desire for more entertainment. China has eaten this up in a country that has some 'walls' up to keep information limited, yet has limited moral barriers to keep out entertainment. I sincerely believe this has influenced the dramatic rise in divorce, the focus on materialism, and, again, and obsession with entertainment. If it weren't for the USA, I'd wonder if anyone could beat out China in these categories in the near future.


The Great Encounter of China and the West, 1500-1800


Please forgive my negative outlook in this cultural manner, but it is an insider's view from an outsider in China. For although I am a respected foreigner, I'll always be an "Outside-Country Person" to Chinese people. I want to conclude by saying that I'm treated better in China than anywhere else in the world by complete strangers who show kindness to outsiders. I'll take that blessing and let it be the focus of my reflection on the people I'm around in my life in China.

Friday, December 2, 2011

How would you contact George Lucas to suggest a book for a film?

The series, “Night's Dawn Trilogy” by author Peter Hamilton is wonderful. It would make a superb Sci-Fi movie. How would I contact George Lucas to suggest he read the book and consider it for a film? Lucas is the only person that could put this series on screen.|||New Line already bought the film rights to Night's Dawn, and even if they hadn't, Lucas wouldn't touch it. A company like Lucasfilm doesn't really adapt books, most of their projects are original ideas built on hugely successful franchises like Star Wars of Indiana Jones- besides Lucas working on the dreaded Indie 5 right now- he is really only interested in his own characters and worlds.

Most books have the film rights bought up right after they are published, 90% of them never get made but the studios like to own as many rights as they can in case one day they want to make a film based on a given book.

You'll just have to wait and see what New Line does with it.|||More than likely you cant.

If you do find any email or phone number for him, it will probably be his PA person, and even then it could be a while if Lucas got the message if he does at all since he probably over loaded with fan ideas/mail. That is if he is accepting fan mail.|||You can sent it to lucas vballye ranch in Marin county, but he won;t consider it at all

How do I delete an unwanted contact from my Messenger list?

I have a contact that was added without my knowledge and they send vulgar, sexually explicit messages. I have blocked them but want to delete them from my contact list. How do I do that?|||Click on CONTACTS, then VIEW ALL CONTACTS, finally DELETED CONTACTS.

You select the contact that you want to delete permanently, and then click on DELETE PERMANENTLY.

Have a wonderful day! =)|||right click on that contact's name and from the list choose delete.

How can I contact people who know how to set up websites for affiliate marketing near to where I live?

I don't want companies to help me because they are too expensive. But people who have set up websites to make money from. How can I contact them to talk to them about how it is done? No one where I live can help, so I would like to see if people in nearby towns can help me.|||One thought, you might search for marketing, web development, or seo interest groups in Meetup.com, after an initial search with interest and zip code there will be an option to Specify a miles radius.

You could setup an Adwords or Facebook PPC ad using geo targeting and spend $10 or so to get the word out.|||There are many useful people that will help you get going on www.fiverr.com it does cause 5$ for whatever the gig is, but that beats paying a huge corporation, 100s of dollars. If you want to start with PPC, I would recommend a budget of at least 100 dollars, now if you want to dilly dally, then 20$ would be sufficient, but if you really want to make this happen, be ready to spend money to earn money.|||You can take help from the web about affiliate marketing wherever you live. But here cheating is regular subject. So do carefully whatever it is. All the best.

How can i contact simon cowel or the producers of britians got talent by email?

I want to know how to contact whoever arranges all of the guest performances. Im guessing it is simon cowell or the producers of BGT. Please can someone give me a real email adress. (I want to give them an idea of who to bring on next season)|||Sorry But You Cannot Directly Email An A-List Celebrity Mate! If You Want To Give Your Opinion Then You Have To Post It On There Facebook Page (If There Is One) Or Go Onto The Britain's Got Talent Section On The ITV Website, Management Won't Speak To Random People You Know!|||The ONLY WAY you would ever get on the show a performer is to have your AGENT get you in.. you DO NOT contact Cowel or any OTHER principal in the show because THEY WILL NOT TALK DIRECTLY TO YOU.. either you try to have your AGENT (you DO have an AGENT.. right?) make the connections|||If you go to their website, they give some info that might help...


What color of contact lenses go good with black hair?

Im gonna get contact lenses soon and im wondering if i should get colored lenses. What would go good with black hair, tan skin. I also want to know what the best brand is?|||Same problem!!

Im thinking of Gray. that would look nice.

I have very dark brown hair and tan skin. and boring old browm eyes..im thinking of a change..

im also thinking of green....|||Hi Dear,

With your tan skin and black hair any blue color or green color contacts would look great on you. You have to be tested first, to see if you can wear contacts Dear.. After you have the test and eye exam, the doctor with tell you want brand would be best for you.. I have brown eyes and I wear Blue it's called True Sapphire and that is my birth stone too. The brand is Fresh Look that is what my eye doctor told me would be best for me.. Good Luck My Friend.

Your Friend,

poppy1|||Well, do you want like a color that no one has?

Or a normal color such as: browns, blues, and greens??

If you'd like the weird colors, might I suggest red, maybe white. That'd look pretty cool!

If you want the normal colors, I'd go with green. I really think green eyes with darker skin tones are really pretty! My friend has it, so gorgeous!|||i have black hair and tan skin too.

i got dark green contacts from acuevue 2 and everyone thought they were real.

the blue looks kind of fake, my friend has it.

hope this helps!|||Definently a lightcolor. like a blue, green, or gray. Try freshlooks "turqoise." You get your first pair for free.|||go with grayyy!!!

my sister has black hair and is also tan

the gray contacts looked gray and sometimes green it was rad

the best brand i would recomend would be fresh look|||OMG I have no clue on brands, but a bright green would look soooooooo cool!! Well, I know acuave is good but they don't have colored. Also, maybe a really either dark or bright blue!|||Yea grey, hazel or sometimes even blue goes really well. I know a couple Punjabi girls with that and its hot! Green can go as well depending on how tanned you are.|||gray by acuvue by johnson johnson|||Transparent ones (:|||orange, or a violet, or blue-ish.

Sorry, i dont know any brands.|||i think blue would look amazing. also green or a grey-ish color.|||I don't knwo any brands, but I think Violet or Cat Eye contacts would look amazing.|||i dont know the brands but lightish darkish blue lenses would look awesome!|||people with black hair tend to look amazing with green eyes.|||omg were the same . im getting gray or hazel . the best brand is fresh look or acuvae|||Red|||PURPLE!|||RED. lol. blue would be nice :]|||GREEN!!!x)|||i think maybe blue or hazel|||green|||depends on ur i color and how dark

How do I contact children clothing vendors in order to resell their merchandise?

Becoming a Children's Clothing E-Tailer

I am interested in opening up a online boutique selling quality children's clothing. How do I contact vendors in order to resell their merchandise? Do I need to apply for a resale license in order to sell their products on the Web? I have heard some garment manufacturers may drop-ship for me. How to handle returned items?|||Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer nor accountant, but I do have some experience in retail, and selling online, and drop-ship selling. ( I'm part of Web Retail Group - http://www.webretailgroup.com/ - lots of info there about ways to sell online)

1. You need a sales tax license for your state.

2. You may need a business license in your city/town/municipality.

3. To get in touch with Vendors:

a) I recommend finding the official corporate website of each brand you wish to sell, then find their 'contact us', 'about us', etc pages until you find a way of contacting them...then do it and tell them you wish to become a dealer.

b) You can go to retail conventions / trade shows -- vendors line up to sell you their newest merchandise. Lots of these types of conventions are held in cities across the US like Las Vegas, Chicago, NYC, LA, etc.

4. You may want to try to locate Distributors that carry multiple brands. Some distributors will drop-ship also. I recommend a Yahoo search on 'distributors childrens clothing brands':

5. Getting your 'Ecommerce Website' setup is another task altogether. You'll need to get an ecommerce company that has a lot of experience with retailers and drop shippers, and who employs a great web designer or 2! You'll also want to make sure you can get catalog information and product photos that you can use on your site -- get it ready for loading onto your site when the design is ready to launch.

6. Then there's Internet Marketing (SEO/PPC/Mailers/Search Engines/Social Media/etc) ... I'd get the basics down pat before worrying about this too much, but just make sure you get an expert involved!

I hope this helps!

What kind of contact should I have with my dysfunctional family?

Most of my family has mental issues (Mom, Aunts). Every person that I have introduced to them, after doing so, stopped having anything to do with me. But out of respect and Christian values I do not desire to cast them to the side.

What kind of contact should I have?|||You shouldn't cast them to the side. They are family. But no one said you had to introduce your friends to them.

How do I contact Christian celebrities to request an interview for my book?

My interview is short and simple. I'd prefer to handle the interview by e-mail. How do I contact them? What is the best format for a request for an interview? Ty!|||You will need to approach their agents

Who can I contact in England to learn more about the Sorbian people?

I am talking about the Sorbs, not the Serbs. Just to clarify. I am planning to write a book about different language minorities in various parts of Europe and would like to contact a Sorbian Institution of some kind here in England, if any exists.

The Sorbs are also knows as the Wends and the Lusatians. The language they speak is Sorbian (also called Wendish).

Can anyone help me? Thanks.|||You probably won't find any outside of Germany because their numbers are so limited that any immigrants would probably not be in a large enough group to set of a society or community.|||I've never heard of the Sorbs, sorry. I doubt their is a Sorbian institute anywhere in the UK, because I googled it and it said they were in Germany|||Send an email to the "Haus der Sorben" in Bautzen, Germany : domowina-bautzen@sorben.com|||As an English person, I have never heard of these "Sorbs". I doubt then that it is someone in England you need to speak to.|||Sorbs are living in Germany ( Brandenburg and Saxony), and in Poland.

Who should I contact when I need financial assistance for low income?

Struggling to pay any and all of my bills. Need assistance in both insurance, as well as advice on how to get back up on my feet again.

Who should I contact for general advice on this?|||DSHS (Department of Health and Human Services). You MIGHT be eligible for welfare cash assistance, but don't expect a fortune - that only pays like $339 per month. You probably would qualify for the same agency's food stamp program, so that would save you some cash out of your pocket which you then could use to pay bills instead of spending it on food.

Insurance is expensive, and I know of no agency that will pay that bill for you. Are you talking about car insurance? Well, if so, you need to think about how expensive owning a car is. Gas, maintenance, insurance, etc.

Basically, you need to cut out most (if not all) of your luxuries. If you have cable TV, disconnect it - that's not a necessity. Neither is having a car if you live in a place where you can ride the bus. Buy things like food items when they go on sale and stock up on those items. Eating out or going to bars will tear through what little money you have really fast.


I personally became physically disabled ten years ago due to a rare meidcal condition. I used to work full-time jobs, so I was eligible to receive SSDI (Social Security Disablity Insurance). I get a decent monthly amount - but it's still basically poverty level. I've learned how to stretch my money and I survive just fine and have a great apartment.


There is also another division of DSHS called DVR (Department of Vocational Rehabilitation). They won't give you any cash assistance, but they WILL help you find a job if you take the time to avail of their services.|||You would contact the welfare office in your county to see if you qualify for any sort of benefits.

How do we contact the corporate office, district manager, and owner of a local Borders Bookstore?

We have a need to contact the store owner and possible the district manager and corporate office of the Borders Bookstore in Rockaway, NJ due to mistreatment by the store's general manager.

How do we come across the names, phone numbers, and addresses? The store's general manager refused to give us any information when asked.

Thank you!|||The information on this page should help you.

http://www.borders.com/online/store/Cust鈥?/a>|||Borders | Corporate Headquarters

100 Phoenix Drive, Ann Arbor, MI, 48113

Sorry no ph no|||Refused to give you information? I bet the higher ups would like to hear about that regardless of what happened.

The link in the first answer is a good one. Email them. Then call right after that as well. Log your complaint but ask for someone higher up. Ask for the name of all you speak to along the way.

How do I contact a professor for a summer internship?

I am a high school junior and I would like to participate as an intern for a professor in engineering during the summer.

What is the best way to contact a professor and how can i do that?|||Go to the websites of universities near you and find the departments of the programs you're interested in (usually under Academics or "Colleges and Schools"). Then look at the "Research" links and see what the professors study. If something interests you, email them and ask about opportunities! Some schools have programs specifically for high schoolers. Also talk to your school's career services group. Good luck!

What is the contact number or email of the TV channel AXN?

They show Worlds Most Amazing Videos, I鈥檝e a live disaster caught in my video camera, i want to show this to the world by telecasting in TV, so please help to get in contact with the tv channel. Thanks.|||. What country?

Google 'AXN TV'

%26gt;%26gt; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AXN %26lt;%26lt; .

They should have contact info on their TV programs.

What is the best brand for contact lenses?

The above qustion is for all the brands out there.

One more question. Out of the following brands, which is better:

1. Bausch and Lomb PureVision Contact Lenses

2. Acuvue Brand Contact Lenses

They are both offering free trials for their lenses and I'm wondering which brand is the better brand.|||HA the last time I got a free trial from Bausch and Lomb....two weeks later they were recalling that particular brand and people were going blind! I myself got a terrible eye infection and currently am involved in a class action lawsuit againt them!

So, with that said.....

I'd reccomend Acuvue!!|||I have been using Acuvue lenses for the last 17yrs and I love them. Currently, I use Acuvue 2 lenses. To be perfectly honest, I am not really good at keeping track of how long I've kept my lenses in and sometimes have left them in for over 2 weeks at a time. I don't recommend doing that but I'm guilty of it myself so...

I have never had an infection in my eyes and my eyesight has not changed since 1996. Right now though, I'm getting older and have had to resort to wearing the cheap reading glasses that you buy at the drug store. My eye doc told me that I have monovision and it's not bad enough yet to change my prescription so just wear the cheap reading glasses for when I'm on the computer or reading. Acuvue also makes bifocal lenses which I've heard are awesome.|||I use acuvue, and I love them. I don't even feel like I am wearing them.|||Very good question, in short the best one is the one that works best on your eyes..ok now the long.

It depends on which Acuvue you go with, example the acv 2 has no where near the same amount of o2 transfer as teh oaysis does...same with the Acv Adv. Also are you inrested in colors at all? Purevision does not offer colored lenses where as acuvue does. In order to get the free trails btw you will need to have a perscription as contacts are a controled substance. Generally i see most Purevision users in the toric lenses....but the out side the PV the Softlens 38 seems to be a popular B%26amp;L lens. If you do need a toric id stay away from the Acuv. adv. for astig. because of the price, tend to be a little bit more then say a Soflens 66 toric. Anywho hope this helped, in the end its somthing you need to discus with your eye docter.

Tom|||I have used both bausch and lomb and acuvae..Intially i was using bausch and lomb and later i switched to acuvae and i felt acuvae to be more comfortable.|||ive been wearing contacts for about 3 months now..

i wear Acuvue Advance fortnightlys..

havnt had any problems with them.

dont know abt pros and cons i havnt actualy used any other brands

How do you contact Apple Computers about an invention or idea?

I have an invention idea and I would like to know who to contact, where to go.|||Straight to the PATENT %26amp; TRADEMERK website or office FIRST!


Who do you contact to report a store selling Tobacco to minors?

I have noticed on numerous occasions a deli selling cigarettes to minors. Does anyone know who I should contact? I don't always care about stuff like this but it is starting to bug me.|||Call the cops. You might also consider contacting the state agency that issued the deli's license to sell tobacco.|||You should report it to the kids at the local high school, and they can arrange a sting operation for an extra-credit civics assignment.

You'll find them out in back of the school practicing for their undercover role.|||Local police or the prosecuting attorney's office.

How can I contact blind members of my community?

I am doing a multicultural project for my high school junior english class. I am doing the project on blind people, and we have to set up interviews with a few people. I am not sure, though, how to contact anyone to interview. Any ideas?|||Each state has a Commission for the Blind, many states have schools for the Blind, see if there is a local Leader Dogs for the Blind or Lion's Club that might connect you to someone - that's where I would start.|||You probably have a social services organization in your community for the blind. If not, you could contact someone at your church, synagogue or mosque to find out who to contact at one of these organizations.|||another option...see if there are any groups on

www.meetup.com|||I think Voc Rehab could help you fin someone. Or you can just call people in your neighborhood.|||Contact a local ophthalmologist and ask if they know of any groups for blind citizens.

Also contact your local American Diabetes Association and ask them. http://www.diabetes.org/

Here is a link to the National Federation of the Blind.

http://www.nfb.org/ They have groups all over.|||Wave at them.

If that doesnt work, tickle them.|||Anything other than sign language, mime or charades should be effective.|||put up a sign|||Come on guys, stop with the stupid blind jokes. You don't want to offend anyone here who can see them.

How do you measure the amount of protein on a contact lens with a UV spectrometer and buiret as indicator?

My group and I are working on a science experiment. We are trying to identify the amount of protein build up on contact lens before and after cleaning them with contact solutions. We are trying to see if the different brand contact solutions get the same or different amount of the protein off the contact lense. Therefore, we need to find a good way to measure the amount of protein before and after cleaning the lens with the different solutions. Can anyone help?|||Well, according to Wikipedia:

"Biuret test is used for detecting the presence of peptide bonds. The biuret test relies on the reaction between copper(II) ions and peptide bonds in an alkaline solution. A violet color indicates the presence of proteins. Proteins give a strong biuret reaction because they contain a large number of peptide bonds. It is possible to use the biuret reaction to determine the concentration of proteins because (for most proteins) peptide bonds occur with approximately the same frequency per gram of material. The biuret test works by the peptides forming a matrix by arranging around a Cu2+ ion. This matrix thus has a pink to violet color depending on the amount of protein."

So I'd take some peptid or protein standard to prepare a UV arbsoption vs increasing concentrations of protein curve. Then measure the absorption that yields each of your lenses before and after the cleaning, use a blank (non used) lens to compensate any measure and then plot your results against the curve you built previously. A very similar experiment has been described in this article:

Optometry and Vision Science:Volume 77(10)October 2000pp 503-510

Who should I contact about a suggestion for the video game series, Guitar Hero?

I have a suggestion and would like to possibly email it to a maker of Guitar Hero.

Do I contact the developer, Neversoft?

Or someone else?

If you include an email address, extra thanks!|||guitarhero-support@agoragames.com %26lt;guitarhero-support@agoragames.com%26gt;

Thats what I found on they're website, so it should be the one. Good luck with your idea!

Who can you contact if a landlord won't replace a broken furnace?

I need to know who I can contact to get the landlord to replace the broken furnace. He has stopped returning phone calls and have had no heat for over a week. What can I do? I can't install a new furnace myself. Please help!|||Well you can call the city, pseg, or to get faster results, call your local business that specializes in fixing heating furnaces. After you receive the bill, make sure you deduct it from your rent, and if your landlord throws a tantrum, which he will, because it sounds like he is a slumlord, let him take you to court, trust me, if you present your case in front of the judge stating that you have been constantly calling your landlord to fix your furnace, the judge will be outraged and will rule in your favor and will probably yell at your landlord for being so in-compassionate and being such a slumlord, besides that is against the Department of Housing and the City as well. Also, make sure you document everything, and the attempted phone calls.|||CITY HOUSING OFFICE|||If it's unsafe,get a HVAC contractor to give an estimate. Refuse to pay rent untill it's fixed! Check out renters rights in your state.|||if your in bc report him to the housing authority and the gas safety branch.. provincal or local office..|||Try your local Health Department.|||Local code enforcement. they can condemn the house if it is not habitable. then he has a lot of hassle to get it deemed habitable

even beter if they are HUD inspectors too.|||Most localities have a Licensing/Inspection Department. Check the "blue" pages in your phone book. If you aren't able to find who is responsible, call City Hall and ask where you obtain a building permit - that would be the place you need to talk to. In the meantime, forget any advice about not paying rent. What you need to do is to contact your bank and set up a separate interest bearing savings account - put all rent money due in the savings account and inform the landlord that you have established an "escrow" account for all rent money and that he will receive all rent due when the furnace is repaired or replaced. To "inform" the landlord, you have to send a registered letter (return receipt requested) to prove that you have advised him that you are establishing the escrow account. Also - contact your local Legal Aide bureau for help with this serious problem.|||contact the health dept and let the slumlord know you have done so

Contact a local real estate lawyer and get a free consultation

Refuse to pay your rent, and tell him you will see him in court

Remember tenants have more rights than landlords

What is the contact information for drug rehabilitation centers near Manila, Philippines?

I know there is one in Tagatay and San Mateo, but I do not know the names or contact information. Please include website, phone number, email. Thanks!|||www.alabangboys.com|||the best way to find your desire consultative office is thru PHONEBOOKS!,

---%26gt;never underestimate the power of your fingers..

Good luck!|||DARE - look the address in net.

La Salette Fathers at Hillcrest.also|||Additionally visit first the corresponding website of the hospital you looking for and get the customer service contact number for reservation and iquiry. likewise makati city hospital, quezon city hospital, pasay city hospital, laguna city hospital and so on.

Who should I contact about featuring my product in a magazine?

I'd like to get my products featured in a particular magazine's editorial section (the section that shows a celebrity wearing one of my products). Who or what department in the magazine would I contact? What can I do to start off?|||If it's not news, then it better be a good story. Magazines - all news media - tell stories. Give them one to tell.

Have a professional photo taken of this celeb wearing your product. Compose a very well-written (no spelling or grammatical errors) news release with the best headline you can think of, then send the photo, news release and a sample of your product to every magazine that will be read by potential customers, i.e. target your distribution.

Follow up with calls to the editorial section of the magazines you've targetted. Larger magazines have section editors. Figure out where your story would best play in the magazine, and call that section editor 4-7 days after sending your material.|||there should be an editor of that each section mentioned in the masthead. if not, call them and ask who is in charge of that section.

make sure there is a story beyond "paris hilton wore one of my hats". did you sew the hats with your feet? is the fabric made from some new environmentally awesome bamboo? are you a sixth generation hat maker?

How do I delete an online contact on my yahoo mail account?

I have this weirdo who keeps trying to message me on yahoo messenger. I try to block her, but it says that I can't because she's on my online contact list. Can anyone help me tp figure out to delete an online contact?|||call me and i'll try to help you...................hahaha

How do I contact the people who are responsible for cleaning the tap water?

How would I contact the water treatment plant in my city???? Or whoever the people are who are in charge of cleaning the water for everyone?|||The liberals 4 for keeping murders from the death penalty,they shi! and piss in our water ways.And the department of environment protection 1800-777-0456.|||Look in the phone book under your cities name and scroll down until you hit Water Department, then call them. Try to make sure you know what you are talking about. Most calls are about rusty water and all you need to do is run the water in your home until it clears - this is usually caused by having to change out a water line.

What is the contact number for golden casino promotions dept?

Im interested in selling some advertising space on my body, but dont have an ebay account to auction it off. Is there a direct number i can contact to them or an email address.|||what a question?

maybe try this. there is a phonenumber on the site.

if i understand you right???

How do i contact apple about a future job in hardware engineering?

I'm 14 and i would like to work for Apple in the future. I don't know if i chose the best subjects for the job. I would like to work in Silicon Valley, California. The related subjects i chose were technical studies (programming and electrics) graphic communication , physics , spanish, chemistry , english and maths. I also stay in Scotland but i want to move to California. Anyone know how i can contact Apple?|||I like the long range thinking.

Your looking for a co-op or internship. These usually are scored close to graduation but its not impossible to obtain a support job in a prior year. BTW the intern frequently get the jobs people hate doing or don't have time to do. Its a good way to get a foot hold.

A more local office may give you a foot in the door. Even if its a mail room or retail position before you get close to your grad year. You would be on the HR profile. Make a good impression if you get such an opportunity, people will remember. Its your connections that get you in frequently not your resume.

There are lots of hardware companies other than apple that go into apple products so don't close your mind to those. Tech is often one of those things that is cool a new company on a different day.

Remember: California is a expensive place and there are hardware jobs closer to home in other companies. Having family close by becomes an asset later in life. It also comes out of your paycheck when you need to travel back.|||Apple, and any company, is not interested until you graduate with a degree. Or, perhaps, when you are a year or less from graduating, if business is good.

But their web site is the best way to start.


What is eye contact like between you and your significant other?

I have always wondered what people have to say about this. Obviously there are common courtesy "rules" about eye contact length and the such for when people are out in public or talking to friends. But what about when you are in a committed long term relationship? Do you look each other in the eyes most of the time or is it about the same as with strangers and friends? What's the difference?

I personally love gazing into my bf's eyes for longer periods of time. It has a true calming effect on me.|||I love looking into my boys eyes too! your right its so calming.. and all im thinking about is him, usually he'll kiss me when i do this

sometimes we just make funny faces at each other, bit weird i know but its cute and makes me laugh haha :P|||same here. a lot of times my guy and i will be cuddling and ill look up at him and we will just kinda look at each other, and then he usually kisses me. we can say everything to each other without saying a word, its great. even across a room, when we look at each other, all i hear is "i love you baby, you are my everything" or something

awwww :)